Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 18 Fri

Feb 18 Fri Day 32 Overcast & quite cool

We got up early for the Friday breakfast at the Palms café which is in the ballroom, they have a full kitchen there. Today they had waffles with strawberries & whipped cream. They had both O.J. & Cranberry juice so we made a ½ & ½ mix. After breakfast we decided it was a bit cool for W.VB so we borrowed Larry’s GPS with the Costco address in it and went down to Temecula. The GPS was quite nice and was helpful; I guess we’ll go shopping for one. We went down to Costco to get a directors chair, (like the two we have), but it had a side table on one side and a lined, insulated drink cooler bag on the other. A steal at $30.00! We got one & headed back at home, arriving in time to play the last ½ hour of W.VB. The sun was out & the temp. had risen.
Back to the RV for our Skype call to Adeline. Saw Erica & saw Mikaela open her birthday presents, a book & DVD of Disney’s “Little Mermaid” & a basket of plastic vegetables. She squealed with delight and was off to play with the vegetables when she opened that one. After the 35 minute call, it was clean the RV time. Sheila washed the floor. I was really tired so I had a nap and I missed the Fri wine & cheese get together but Sheila, Yvonne & Larry/Judy went. The rain started in earnest mid afternoon. I had my leftover rib for supper. The great thing about the ribs from J & M was that they included where they attached to the bone so you got a lot of meat. It was still raining when we left for the Beatles concert in the ballroom. They had complimentary cheese & crackers, popcorn & several wines out for everyone. The concert was great. It started at 7 & it was 9:30 when they finished their encores. Back at the RV we watched some recorded programs as the rain picked up & the wind blew. Larry came over to say he lowered his awning so we went out & put ours at the lowest setting. Highest wind forecast is 16 mph so it should be OK.

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