Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fri Feb 4 - from San Diego to 1/2 way to Hemet

Feb 4 Fri Day 18 clear, sunny warm

We pulled out of Santa Fe RV Park @ 10:30 @ 136337 and were at the Camping World store by 11:15 @ 136395. I exchanged the step mats for the correct size. It was very crowded in their parking lot. We pulled into a blind alley in the lot, so had to unhook to get out. Went across road to park RV & drove car to check out local restaurants, found a deli/grill only open 7-3 so it caters to the commercial warehouses & stores around. Had a nice lunch, (good value for the money paid), drove back, hooked up & were away by 12:55 and on up hwy 15 to Temecula & their Wal-Mart, in at 1:45 @ 136449. Did our shopping, Sheila got a haircut and we are parked in a corner of their lot for the night. Then Sheila asked and was told that the city of Temecula will not allow then to allow overnight parking but if we go north on hwy 15 to Murieta there is a Wal-Mart there we definitely can stop in. So off we go, it is in the direction we need to go anyway so no problem, except that it is rush hour now so it is slow. We left Temecula at 4:45 and arrived in Murrieta at 5;25 @ 136464, only15 kms but slow due to rush hour. We are going out to Soup Plantation salad buffet restaurant for supper, in addition to a l-o-n-g salad bar they offer about 7 varieties of soup plus 3 pasta dishes, baked potatoes with lots of butter sour cream & a hot topping, then there are the deserts, and several varieties of drinks from milk, coffee, tea to several soda choices. It is a little more expensive than our usual buffet dinners at $12.00 each. We had a hard time finding it, the humongous mall it is in goes for about 400 blocks in every direction; however we eventually stumbled on it and had a great supper. Then home for the night. No TV, so we watched the DVD Sheila purchased in Burlington--Kathleen Madigan’s DVD, “Gone Madigan”. Kathleen is supposed to be “one of America’s funniest female comics”. It was funny in spots, but not hilarious. Sheila was disappointed that she used the “F” word quite frequently. She had hoped that because K.M. was described as “clever & not insulting”, she might not feel the need to swear. After that, I went to bed while Sheila stayed up to finish adding to & editing our journal. I have discovered I may have to dismount the TV & exchange it as I discovered that not only does the channel up/down button on the remote not work but the similar button on the TV also doesn’t change channels. I’ll look into it in Hemet when we are settled.

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