Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 24 Thurs

Feb 24 Thurs Day 38, early cloud but sun is peeking through & looks like it’s clearing.

It cleared nicely for W.VB.* after which we came back grabbed a quick lunch & went up for the dance lesson session but no instructor. Sheila found out that they were doing Salsa & Swing so we opted out and will go to the movie today – “Unknown”. It turned out to be good with a bit of a twist at the end. After we came back to GVP and Judy asked us to join them for a crock pot supper she had ready, a bean & meat mix. We took over a salad & French bread type mini loves & had a very nice supper. Then it was Mexican train night. We won our dollar back & ended even. Back at the RV for TV & journal entries.
*from now on take W.VB. to include a nice soak in the hot tub for around ½ an hour

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