Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 6 - Super Bowl Sunday

Feb 6 Sun Day 20 clear, sunny, warm – shorts & short sleeve weather, mid 70’s

The morning was spent playing W.VB., then back to RV for lunch. In the afternoon I went down to Wal-Mart to ask them about the TV problem. He checked my remote on their sets and they said I may have not got it set up correct as these new flat screen sets have to be programmed individually. So back at the RV after pushing a lot of buttons I finally found a menu that said “scan channels” so I pushed it & it started to find channels, a bunch of analog channels & then it started to program digital channels. So now the channel up/down on the remote works and all seems OK. Talking to Larry he said that every time he changes parks he has to reprogram his TV, so I guess I will too, at least I know what to do now. After playing with the TV, we went over to the ballroom for the Super Bowl party & shared a table with Larry & Judy. They had popcorn for $1.00 with free refills. They also had hot dogs, chilli dogs, pop, & free coffee. The game was good; it went down to the last play of the fourth quarter that could have won the game for the Pittsburgh Steelers if they had made the touchdown. On the 4th down, their QB threw a long pass, but it was incomplete, so the Green Bay Packers won by just running out the clock for the last few seconds.

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