Friday, February 11, 2011

Wed Feb 9

Feb 9 Wed Day 23 clear & sunny, no cloud anywhere,temp into the 70's

Off to W.VB where we started in the east pool & very shortly split as we got to 24 players. But then a cpl people left after an hour or so and we were 5 to a side. More people came but they went into the other pool so they had 8 or 9 or so to a side. 6 a side works well for getting lots of play but 5 is a bit short as you have to cover a lot of pool & you can’t move quickly in 3 or 4 feet of water. After lunch, we got a call from Yvonne that due to Paul’s brother having some medical problem they wouldn’t make it here until next week sometime, (they’re up in Palm Springs). I went up to the clubhouse to get on the internet because the WiFi at the RV was too weak to even connect. I got some of the blogs caught up when the whole system went down; even the RV Parks computers were dead. So back to the RV where I super glued another of Sheila’s sunglasses, she has now had 3 pair split on the lens frame. After supper I went back up to the clubhouse, while Sheila watched her dancing show finale, & got the blogs up to date. Sheila was really happy with the eventual grand prize winners, she had voted for them.

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