Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 2 Wed Day 16

Feb 2 Wed Day 16 clear, sunny, very windy

Paul & Yvonne pulled out today. We headed out to go up Soledad Mt. (under 1000 feet). It’s the highest area around and has a great 360 degree view up & down the coast & over the city. It also has a large cross on top on a raised built up dome area. Around the cross are low cement walls on which are mounted nice polished black marble plaques that commemorate US services veterans. It is an American Legion project and plaques are paid for by the families/relatives/friends. Only stipulation is that the veteran was in combat or combat zone deployment. After exploring there we drove down & through La Jolla area picking up supper at Vons, (Safeway’s other name), a 2 lb (907grm) roasted chicken for 5.99. The RV park has a giant TV, (approx 3 ft by 2 ½ ft), on which Sheila is going to watch “Live to Dance”. On the TV the news is about Egypt riots, terrible snow storms on the east coast & Midwest. Chicago had the 3rd worst snow storm in history, Oklahoma got 18 inches in one storm and north Texas has snow with minus 12 Fahrenheit temps, that’s about minus 24 C!

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