Monday, January 14, 2019

2019 sun-bird trip to California Day 1

Day 1

We brought the RV home on Saturday to load and get an earlier start on Mon, (maybe). We still ended up loading a bunch of stuff on Monday morning but finally away from Home at 10:45 AM, a record for us.  We decided to try the Aldergrove crossing to see if it was less busy than Pacific Hwy.  Arrived at the border at 11:42@ 51153 Miles. About 10 minutes earlier Sheila told me she had cut up an apple & peeled a mandarin orange!  Why would she believe me when I say, don’t take fruit across the border, it’s not like I know something, - - oh wait, I do!!!  The sign at the US Customs said trucks & RV’s in one line cars in another.  There was one truck in front of us.  Anyway the officers were very pleasant but took the oranges & apple.  They might have left the cut up apple except Sheila put them all in the same container, - - can you say cross contamination?  As punishment I cancelled our planned stop at a US store to get fruit & veggies. Out & cleared by 11:55, so a 12 minute crossing including the fruit seizure. Off down the hwy in clear blue sky & sunshine.  We were making really good time with no sign of a Seattle back-up so I switched the GPS to take us to the Kelso Elks and it showed an arrival time of 4 PM.  We drove straight through.  No big back-ups through Seattle, a cpl of slower sections but no real problems at all.  We arrived  at Kelso Elks at 4:30 PM @ 51383 Miles, so covered, from home 259.4 miles.  Tonight they have pizza night, taco pizza, 3 cold salads and choice of dressings, all good and a hot hamburger chilli/soup dish but not at all spicy, all for $10.00.  We unhooked the car and Sheila went over to the Safeway store next door almost, while I did the blog and ate.   A nice evening.  Sheila arrived from her shopping trip in time to have some of the pizza, salads & soup, (they called it soup but it was more like a stew, nice & thick.

Covered 259.4 miles, total home to Elks time - 5 hrs 45 minutes

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