Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 16 Jan 29 Tuesday

Today is Breakfast Club day, so we are up & off about 8:00 to “The Good Egg” restaurant in San Jacinto at Menlo Ave.  We had breakfast & then checked out the location of Sheila’s massage parlour for her afternoon appointment.  It was just up San Jacinto Blvd across from Emilio’s Restaurant.  Then home, so I could get out for W.V.B.  Sheila wanted to play this afternoon, so she decided to catch a nap to make up for the two hrs. of sleep she missed because of the early start, (7:25) this morning.  I played till the usual end time of noon, then back to the rig where I changed so as to get to the ticket line-up for the Canada Day Party coming up on the 11 February.  I got 5 tickets on an 8 person table, for us, Fred & Sally and Wendy. They will probably sell the others to someone because there are always more people who want to go than there are tickets.  After getting tickets, I went to watch Sheila in the afternoon, 1-3 pm WVB game.  Then she went out for her 4:00 pm massage appt. She’s trying it out because after a couple of days playing WVB she noticed her neck & shoulders were a bit stiff and it hurt to do shoulder checks while driving & turn her head to follow the ball while playing WVB.  When she mentioned this to some other WVB players, a one of them suggested massage as a way to relax the neck and recommended the Oasis Day Spa & a masseuse named Brandon. She had planned to just do a 30 min. session for her neck & shoulders only for $30 but when she booked the appt., was strongly encouraged to make it a whole body hour appt. for $45 to totally stimulate her circulation to combat her inflammation, stiffness & soreness.  She’s really glad she did as she’s never had a massage before and really enjoyed it—especially in her hands & feet!  Brandon said it will probably take a day or so for the benefits of the massage to take effect and the soreness to go away, so we shall have to wait & see if it was worth the money spent.  One thing is certain; she does not want to have to give WVB or driving!  While she was out I checked the Propane level & discovered the tank was almost empty, I went up to the office & ordered a delivery, fortunately the truck is due on Thursday, so it shouldn’t be a problem.  Even if we run out of gas most everything can be done by electricity.  When Sheila returned about 5:30, we made supper and spent the evening watching TV & doing the usual blog, journal & housework tasks.

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