Saturday, January 26, 2019

Day 11 Jan 24 Thursday

Day 11 Jan 24 Thursday

We arose to warmer weather, 54 F at 9:10 and 72 F by noon.  We also had our auxiliary propane heater on all night so it was nice & warm in the morning.  We went up to the pools, had a good W.V.B. game and then came home for a late lunch.  After lunch, we decided to go to an afternoon  movie as it was seniors cheap Thursday, ($7.20 each – it’s gone up a lot over the last few years, we used to get in for about $4.00 or less).  We went to UPSIDE, I wasn’t thrilled with it to start but by the end I quite liked it.   Afterwards, back at the RV Park Sheila started 2 loads of laundry in the new machines they installed in the laundry room while I made supper.  One good thing is that the machines take credit cards now, so no fiddling with coins or having to buy a prepaid card which you couldn’t cash in if you didn’t use it all before you left.  After, supper, we went over to the pool where they were playing a night volleyball game, and Sheila transferred our wash into the dryers.
They had quite a set up for WVB.  The ball was quite large, (2+ ft. in diameter), almost transparent and had small lights in it which flickered as it flew back & forth across the net on which they  had hung green lights and most of the players were wearing lighted, glowing cords around their neck, some had dressed up a bit even with lighted hats.  It was a very striking scene!  They had coffee, hot chocolate and fancy cakes & nibbles for after the game, plus a propane fire by the refreshment area. It looked like fun so I signed myself up for the next one on Feb 17.  Sheila thinks she would find it too cold, even though the pool water is quite warm.  As by now it was close to 7 PM we went in the clubhouse to play the Thursday night Mexican Train Domino’s till after 9 pm.  Then we picked up the laundry that Sheila had done and were finally home around 9:30.  Both of us were quite tired.  It had been a busy day!

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