Monday, January 28, 2019

Day 13 Jan 26 Saturday

Up to a reasonably warm day, 60 F around 9:00 and climbing to 70 by noon under clear blue sky’s and no wind.  Up for the usual W.V.B. game although I seem to be disimproving.  I am having more trouble hitting the ball over the net. When I hit it from the middle or back row it often hits the net, sometimes a front row person gets it over, but often it just hits the water.  It’s still lots of fun.  Today they have music at the cabana & a Mex restaurant serving food.  We got a cpl of tacos, (2 for $3.00), choice of beef, pork or chicken.  Also today is the “Human Foosball” game.  They have a set up built with handles on pipes to hold onto and everyone has to work together to slide the pipes left or right to get at the ball and kick it forward or back depending on which direction your team is going.  It did look like fun but was very energetic. They were also playing W.V.B. in 2 pools from about 1:00 pm onwards.  Sheila watched the Foosball and the water volleyball; I got the computer & went up to the clubhouse computer room to try to get onto the internet.  It was still slow, (possibly because it’s Saturday and a lot of people may be online), but I got on and was able to check emails, post blogs, check my bank balances and pay any bills that would come due at the end of the month.  I going to have to look into getting a dedicated line as it took a lot of time to get on line and get stuff done. Sheila came over and sent an email from her email site. Then we went over to the Elks at 5 PM for their fundraiser-- a spud night with all the trimmings for $8.00 each.  It seemed a bit pricey but as it was for a good cause & there was entertainment, we decided to go.  It turned out to be a great dinner!  The baked potatos were huge & perfectly baked—the skin was crispy & flavourful and in addition to butter, sour cream, shredded cheese & bacon bits, there two kinds of hot cheese sauce & chilli.  Also, they had a lettuce salad, plus 4 other salads—coleslaw, a pea/corn salad which was really flavourful, a layered vegetable salad and a salad containing chicken & tortilla chips; sweet buns and 5 different kinds of cakes!  All of “the extras” were made & donated by the ladies in the Elks auxiliary and boy can those ladies ever cook!  Dinner was a real feast!  The entertainment, a local  trombone group of 10 players was only so-so, ( they were obviously amateurs), but the food made up for it!  A nice evening.  We left to come home around 7 PM, then just puttered around in the RV doing blogs etc. and trying to find something on TV we both wanted to watch.  We finally found a show on Discovery channel about the Moonshiners in the Appalachian Mountains which Sheila found very interesting and I thought was barely OK but watched as there was nothing else on.  I stopped watching the show after an hour and went to bed around 10 pm but Sheila watched it till it ended at 11 pm.

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