Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Day 8 Jan 21 Mon

Up for 10 am water volley ball under blue skies but still a bit cool.  It’s a bit cooler than yesterday in the 50’s to low 60’s but with the low humidity that is quite comfortable.  Sheila was still quite stiff from her first day playing WVB yesterday, so she went to find out about the Ladies Luncheon tomorrow and get tickets for some of the shows that are coming to the park in Jan. & Feb. & she didn’t come to WVB until 11:15 am.  After the game and a hot tub session it’s back to the RV for lunch. Then I went out for the items I couldn’t get yesterday.  After I took the computer up to the library where the in house computers are, and fired it up.  Great reception and speed, thank goodness there is nothing wrong with the computer we just aren’t getting a good signal.  After supper, I went to the Monday crib game. It’s a $2.00 entry which they give all back in prizes.  I don’t usually win anything, but sometimes I come close.  Tonight I was only about 10 or so points out of the prize circle.  Back at the RV Sheila, who is not a crib player so doesn’t usually go, found the “TV Land channel that shows all the old shows, so she was happy watching “Mash, Raymond, and Threes Company”.  There was a nice full moon out tonight in a clear sky.

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