Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day 7 Jan 20 Sun

Up to slightly overcast skies, had breakfast and off to water volley ball.  I got there a minute or two early and they were already playing.  I joined a pool and spent the next 2 hours immersed in warm water having fun.  After the game, I sat in the hot tub before having my shower & changing.  On getting back to the RV the outdoor thermometer in the shade said 75 F so weather is great! Had lunch and then went out to get some supplies – a new water supply hose as the old one leaks at the RV end and I couldn’t fix it, plus we need a new porch light bulb and a cpl other things.  I forgot that today was Sunday and some stores were closed so some things will have to wait.  We got back in time to go to the Water Volley Ball Pasta dinner – pasta & sauce, salad, choice of dressing plus olives to add.  Then we have the Sunday night Bridge game in the banquet room, we had 4 tables. I’m still having trouble getting the computer to access the internet; I will have to investigate that.  Home to the RV by 9:45.

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