Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day 6 Jan 19 Sat

It is not a long run into GVP from here so we took our time in the morning.  We finally pulled out at 10:20 at 52437 miles.  The hwys, (215, 15, & 10), had lots of traffic but it wasn’t a difficult drive although I am really glad I did not try it yesterday.  At 52504 miles at 11:45 we pulled into Golden Village Palms and registered for 3 months.  We are in site 693 on Fringe street. We discovered that today they have a “guest appreciation pool party” running from noon to 2 PM.  El Patron restaurant is selling food & drinks, and there is live entertainment, a band.  We just parked in our spot grabbed our chairs & went up to the pool area. Both pools had water volley ball games going and we found a spot in the shade as we are not as tanned as usual. After an enjoyable time we came back to set up the RV.  Got power, water, sewer, TV cable all hooked up, got our tire covers on to protect the tires from the sun, got the awning up, got the sides out.  Relaxation time. Sheila just had to go out to WINCO for something, I passed on the opportunity to join her. We tried to watch TV but reception is weird, we can’t get a clear colour picture but later when we went to another channel it was fine.  I also had trouble getting on the internet and I am behind in my postings.  However we are here, it is warm & nice, hard to complain.

Covered  67 Miles,   on the road 1 hr 25 mins

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