Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 14 Jan 27 Sunday

We got up to nice sunny weather – again – OK I’ll stop saying how nice it is here – soon.  We went up for water volleyball and our usual hot tub session.  Then, after showering I got on the scales, with just shorts & S/S T-shirt.  I was 205 lbs or 93 KG.  Back at the RV I phoned the park Cablevision supplier about getting internet right to the RV.  It costs a bit, (in the range of 1 to 2 $ a day), but considering I do all my banking & pay bills over the internet I really need it to be easily accessible. I can go to the cable company’s local store & pick the connection equipment up rather than pay for a technician to come out & install it.  How hard can it be? That question will be answered in the next blog or two.  Sheila went to watch the afternoon competitive water volleyball game while I phoned about the internet connection. I was on the phone a long time burning up minutes but with buying a 1 year time card I sometimes get extra bonus minutes on top of the 800 minutes we get at renewal time so all we do is build up minutes.  Phone calls just deduct each minute no matter where you are calling, a minute is a minute.  The US cell system is way superior to any of ours.  I did use the office computer to do email today and to delete junk & non relevant emails.  Sheila is preparing a Chef’s salad for supper & then we are off to the Pegs & Jokers game at the clubhouse.  It probably has different rules from what we know so we will see if we want to keep playing it because it runs at the same time as Sunday Party Bridge, & we can only do one. 
OK, it’s not too different so we may play it alternating with Bridge, time will tell. After the game we went to the clubhouse computers to look up a day spa that was recommended to Sheila by one of the W.V.B. players.  Playing WVB is starting to wear on her neck & shoulder muscles and her neck is stiff and a bit sore.  She even has the name of a masseuse that is highly recommended.  After that, we came back to the RV for the rest of the evening & spent our time on the usual things—this blog, Sheila’s food & activity diaries & watching TV.

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