Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 15 Jan 28 Monday

Well, I got up at 7:30 so I could be at the internet store to get my equipment to get good, fast WiFi in the RV.  Only flaw was I arrived a few minutes before 8 to discover they didn’t open until 9 AM.  Well, I do need to get a new battery in my watch and I could stop at a bank for a US cash injection to my wallet so I did and got back to the internet store at 8:45.  There were already 5 people in line. They had 3 servers so it didn’t take long to get my equipment & head home. Then the fun began. I had two boxes about 5 lines and mysterious places to plug them into. I followed directions as best I could, I got it all hooked up & nothing!  I changed the hook ups to a more logical, (to me), arrangement, still nothing, so I phoned the help line number that was pointed out to me before I left the store, (did they suspect I didn’t know my way around computer wires & hook-ups very well?).  The lady on the other end got my name etc & looked the system up on her computer.  She said there were some things that needed changing at her end. Then we did a shut down & restart of my computer and all the equipment I had. After a wait we powered up and it all worked. I actually had all the wires in the right places on my end. So now I’m back to full power internet all the time.  All this took from 7:30ish to after 12 noon sometime. Sheila had gone up for volley ball while I wrestled with the computer connections. We relaxed, and then headed over to the “Taste of the Valley” event in the clubhouse where they had restaurants & businesses from Hemet with samples of food & information on the services they provide. It started at 2 PM and we arrived back at the RV around 3:30 or so. We were full of food samples and got some good info on several RV related items.  I made up a hamburger helper for supper because we had the ground beef not frozen & wanted to us it. We had a small bit of it then put it in the fridge for another day. Sheila went out to the 99 cent store then when she returned I headed out to the Monday crib games starting about 7 PM. I had one really bad game & that put me out of contention for any prize.  Basically you get your $1.00 admission back with a few extra bucks. Hopefully, someday I will win some money back.  Then it was back to the RV for the night.  

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