Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 17 Jan 30 Wednesday

The storms forecast for the LA area have not materialized as yet.  Slight overcast, no wind and nice & mild, (about 60 F), around 9 AM, warming up to 70 F by noonish.  We had our WVB game in the warm pool & hot tub’d for a short time as we had to get back to the RV for lunch and then up to the clubhouse for Hand & Foot@ 1:00.  It’s a bit of a rush so we may have to drop the Hand & Foot game, time will tell. We got there after everyone had started but there was one fellow, (Ken), sitting at a table & then Sally came so we had 4 and could play, (it’s a partnership game & works best with 2 teams of 3 but you could play individually however it would be a very long game).  We had a good game, Sheila & I won.  Back to the RV and Sheila went out to Winco for groceries. She came back with a hot roasted chicken, (1 lb 13 oz for $4.98), and other stuff including a bargain on the cole slaw – 0.59 lbs @ $1.48 / lb cost 21 cents! I think their scale malfunctioned and as the server just pushes buttons and attaches a price label, they never noticed. I did back at the RV when I was serving it--it should have been about 87 cents!  We had some of the chicken for supper before going out to the KILLER DUELING PIANOS show.  We had seen them on a previous trip and they were great.  They had a packed house and put on a terrific show, 2 ½ hours non-stop. They had the crowd singing along to lots of great tunes.  They had slips of paper on the tables with pencils so you could write out requests and take them up to the front.  They encouraged lots of audience participation.  Sheila joined a group of ladies at the front dancing to Tina Turner’s “Proud Mary”.  The guys got a couple of well-deserved standing ovations.  One was after one of the guys sang a well known opera piece really well, and then after their last number.    Back to the RV for the rest of the evening to write up the day, watch TV, etc.

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