Thursday, February 7, 2019

Day 25 Feb 7 Thursday

Today started nicely, clear blue sky, no wind; it is still a bit cool, only 48 F @ 9:20.  I went up for WVB, and then hot tub followed by a shower and back to the RV.  Sheila went up about 11 am and, as usual was not able to get in the same pool as me. We had lunch then Sheila went up for a ½ hour or so of WVB before we had to leave for Emilio’s for Happy Hour.  Enroute we stopped to mail a letter to Vicki at the main post office on State St., pick up my tire inflator adaptor at Hemet Tools, and then over to Emilio’s for the happy hour.  After a fun time we drove back, stopping at the Hemet Historical Theatre to get some concert tickets for up coming shows – The Glenn Campbell Story, John Denver and the 4 seasons with Frankie Valle.  Then home via Stater Bros for a cpl of grocery items.  The nachos and the giant beef quesadilla we shared at Emilio’s filled us, so we didn’t need supper.  Tonight is Mexican Trains night. We started at the same table but then I was one of the 2 top, (i.e. lowest), scores so I left the table. Sheila didn’t “win” any of the games so she stayed put for each of the sets of 3 games. We play 9 games in total over the evening. It starts at 7:00 & usually finishes up around 9:00. It felt quite cold out when we went back to the car which we had driven up to the clubhouse.  It seems to be colder at night than I remember it getting in previous years. Then back to the RV to turn the heat on & watch some TV, write up the journal, log expenses & post to the blog - if Sheila has OK’d my writing—she has, post away!

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