Saturday, February 16, 2019

Day 32 Feb 14 Thursday VALENTINES DAY

It rained very heavily all night.  This is the most rain we have seen since we got here, usually it only goes for and hour or so.  It is still raining at noon; it slowed but never actually stopped. We also got a call from the office that the propane truck has broken down & will not be here today, so it’s tomorrow for gas delivery.  We are sitting on empty now so we shut down our gas appliances – hot water heater & furnace – so we will have gas for tonight.  If we run out of gas they may find our frozen bodies in the morning, - - oh wait a minute, it only goes down to just under 10 C, (50 F) at night so I guess we are safe!  Plus, we have a small electric heater which we could just leave on all night. The afternoon plan is to go out for a nice supper with Larry & Judy Shaffer.  It’ll be busy but what the heck, it’s a special day.  As long as we can get inside the restaurant to wait in line, we plan to go the “Sizzler”.  We got to there about 4:30 and there was a line up but it was inside the restaurant and it went quite fast.  We had a nice dinner, Sheila had the steak & lobster meal and she upgraded the steak from 8 oz to 12 oz for a total of $28.49, we also each ordered the side of mushrooms for the steak. I had the full service salad bar which covers their huge regular salad bar plus 3 kinds of soup, deep fried chicken, desserts and coffee or pop for $13.49.  Sheila gave me half of her steak & I was full after one pass at the salad & soup bar, without even trying the desserts!  We got a phone call from Yvonne during dinner that they had arrived.  I wrote their site number on a napkin but then left it at the restaurant.  We looked for their rig on the way home, but in the dark we couldn’t read site numbers & didn’t recognize Paul’s truck anywhere.  So we went over to Larry & Judy’s for an evening of Bridge.  We played 6 hands & then changed partners.  The end result of 18 hands was Sheila 4190, Judy 2930, Bren 2000, and Larry 880.   We came back to the RV around 10 to 10:30. We turned on the furnace & it is still getting gas so we have heat. 

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