Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Day 36 Feb 18 Monday

We got up to sunshine today.  We went up for WVB after breakfast, had a good game, then hot tub & lunch.  Then, just Sheila went out for the 1 PM game. She had a good game till a wind picked up and they decided to quit rather than spend their time retrieving the balls the wind blows out.  I went to find a couple we met to see if they want to go with us to the Wednesday dance at the Hemet West Mobile home Park just a few blocks west of us.  Found their site but they have Wednesday event tickets so can’t make this week.  After the game Sheila came back to the RV maybe about 3:00 and by about 4:00 it’s raining – again.  We had supper then went up to the White Elephant sale to see what was for sale.  We did get a three more wine glasses & a couple of regular size nice plastic glasses.  I told Sheila she has to find a place to put the wine glassware. Then it was laundry time so she is in the laundry & I’m back at the RV. It seems even colder than normal outside; I’m going to check the weather forecast.  Well, I don’t believe it!  There are 3 days next week where the forecast low is a degree or 2 below freezing. That is in the early AM but still it should not be getting that cold here at this time. The only real inconvenience to us is that we use a lot of propane & electricity keeping the RV warm.  I set the night time low on the thermostat to 55 C or so, (that’s about 12 or 13 Celsius).  While Sheila stayed in the laundry room I watched a TV program called “The Presidents at War”.  It was about the war service of several Presidents and was quite interesting.  Sheila was watching it as well on the laundry room TV.  She found it quite interesting that so many of the presidents had served in the Korean or WW II and earned medals or, been recognized for their service in some other way.  The ones we remember being featured were: Kennedy, Eisenhower, Bush (senior), Reagan, Carter.  She got back for the start of the TV show “Bull”. Then to bed, to curl up for the coming cold night, (around 30 F or minus 1 or so C outside at around 5 AM)!

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