Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day 30 Feb 12 Tuesday

Today started out as a nice day, clear blue sky, no rain, and almost no wind.  Temps are still much colder than normal though.  We headed out to the Breakfast Club restaurant but couldn’t find it.  We had the address, “690 S. State St.” but it turns out that addresses on State St. change from “south” to “north” in Hemet & then back to “south” when State St. enters San Jacinto.  We didn’t know that so, after checking out addresses on State St. in Hemet & not finding the restaurant, we gave up & came home.  After breakfast in the RV, I went up to a free seminar on immunizations while Sheila went up to WVB.  I got some good info and when I get home I will check with our local Public Health office to see what they have in records on any old Vaccines I may have had.  In any event there is a new Shingles Vaccine out and as my age group is susceptible for Shingles, I will look into getting a shot when we get home.  Sheila has never had, or been exposed to Chicken Pox so she shouldn’t need it.  I went up to the office to order another propane delivery this Thursday.   With the unusual cooler weather we are using the heater & furnace a lot.  I moved the RV up onto a 1½ inch wood block on the right front tire as Sheila was complaining about it being unlevel.  Then lunch.  After lunch, I went to the afternoon Bridge lessons Judy Shaffer sponsors and Sheila went to afternoon WVB and had a wonderful time playing with only 5 to a side—lot’s of action!  When we both returned at 3:30, we had Tea & raisin toast, caught a nap, had supper & then went to a Hand & Foot game at the clubhouse.  Different rules than we are used to but I find the game acceptable, Sheila is still making up her mind.  It ran from 7 PM to about 9:00, and then it was home for TV etc.

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