Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day 21 Feb 3 Sunday

I got up to overcast but no rain, no wind, nice & mild.  I went up for WVB then Hot Tub.  It did try to spritz a tiny bit of rain but nothing developed so back to the RV for lunch.  When I got back I discovered that Sheila hadn’t made it up yet, awake, but not up.  Today is Super Bowl Sunday and they have chilli dogs & nachos both covered in chilli &/or melted hot cheese or both, then there are onions, relish, salsa, jalapeño’s for topping. I got one of each for us to share.  It was a close game till late in the 4th quarter when the New England Patriots took a two score lead with just a few minutes to play, impossible for the LA Rams to overcome.  Then back to the RV for R & R & TV. One interesting thing with the Weather Channel is that it shows programs as well as weather broadcasts.  They do “Highway through Hell” about our Coquihalla Hwy in BC and last night a show about the rescue of a ship’s crew in the Atlantic by an RCAF rescue helicopter. I didn’t realize the choppers were that big with a huge range. The Cormorant Chopper, with a crew of about 5 or 6, flew 3 hours out from Newfoundland to the ship, hovered for hours picking up 16 crew & then flew the 3 hours back to St Johns.   They were worried that they wouldn’t be able to get all 16 of the crew off, (one at a time) before they ran out of gas & had to return to base and leave the remaining crew to their fate and maybe they’d last till the next day. The captain of course was the last to leave the ship.

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