Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day 28 Feb 10 Sunday

It is overcast this morning, 45 F at 0900 but no wind or rain - - - yet.  I am off to WVB. About an hour or so into play a light sprinkle came down but we just played through it.  Some of us got out to move clothes under the umbrellas by the lounge chairs.  The showers stopped shortly, we finished the game and I hot tubbbed for a while.  Sheila showed up to do lengths at the end of the game so I had my shower & came home to make up lunch.  We got some more rain for a few minutes in the afternoon. We spent most of the afternoon lazing about the RV. Tonight is USA DAY celebration, (tomorrow is CANADA DAY), so we don’t know if any of the scheduled games normally running Sunday eve are on or not, we will wander up to check. Well, the Pegs & Jokers wasn’t going but Bridge was. It looked like they would need us there as they were one cpl short. So we sat down & dealt out the first hand but then one cpl didn’t show so they were fine without us so we left and came home.  Sheila was happy that she could now watch the Grammy awards show. The rain started & stayed from about 6 PM till after we went to bed.

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