Sunday, February 3, 2019

Day 20 Feb 2 Saturday – overcast & raining

It did sprinkle a bit at night, not heavy & loud on the roof but enough that you could tell it was raining.  The morning had heavy cloud but not actually raining although the ground was very wet.  I decided to forgo WVB today although the temp at 8:45 was 54 F and with the low humidity it did not feel like 54 F feels like at home, which is cold & damp and you want to get inside quickly.  I was wearing a S/S shirt & shorts & didn’t feel cold when I stepped out to check temp.  I went out to get some groceries & other supplies at Winco & got almost everything, so a side trip to the 99 cent store completed the list.  Coming back the wind started up quite strong along with a light rain.  I was hoping Sheila pulled in the awning, (thankfully it is an electric awning so she just has to push a button).  She did, so we are just puttering around for the afternoon.  The rain got heavier & steady but the wind subsided. We are getting ready to go out tonight to a very large mobile home park here in Hemet that has big band era dances once a month on the first Sat.  We are going to attempt to go assuming we don’t get denied entry at the gate or the dance is sold out to non-residents. We will report upon return. The heavy steady rain had stopped or at least lightened & slowed by 5 PM.

 Well, the dance never materialized, we couldn’t find any sign of any action in any of the two rec halls. i.e. clubhouses we checked.  Sheila looked in the glass door of one & could see a large ballroom type space completely deserted and the door was locked.  A security guard at one of them said he hadn’t heard of any dance on tonight.  So we headed towards home but seeing as we were out, we thought, “Let’s go for ice cream.”  When we stopped at Stater Bros. for milk, Sheila asked if there were any Ice Cream Parlours nearby, we were directed to La Macharcana, a Mexican ice cream shop in a mall just across the street.  It’s new to the area--(it wasn’t there last year).  Their menu listed 2 sets of cone flavours as well as lots of other choices with names we didn’t understand.  The only difference in the cones seemed to be one said, (water), and the other said, (milk).  We asked the clerk what the difference was and she had to get someone who spoke more English than she did to explain it.  It is just that one is made using water & the other using milk, so one is richer & sweeter than the other.  Their advertisement on the store said “all natural”.  I got a milk one, Blackberry cheese cake, & Sheila got a water one, Pineapple.  You could taste the difference a little.  Mine was creamy, like ice cream & Sheila’s was more like a very good sherbet.  Then back to the RV for an evening of TV and listening to rain drops, (its not heavy & kind of sporadic).

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