Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Day 40 Feb 22 Friday

It was nice when we got up. so off to WVB.  Paul & Yvonne joined a bit after 11 and I think they had a good game.  Yvonne can’t move easily in the water, but she is very good at hitting the ball with her one good arm/hand.  We sat in the Hot Tub afterwards and then Sheila came home to get ready for the 1 PM game, I stayed in the Hot Tub a while  longer then home for lunch & R & R before we head out this evening for the Fri night dinner/dance at the Elks.  We will miss GVP’s Friday Mocktail party.  Its hard work being retired & having fun 7 days a week, oh well we will persevere and survive! We had a nice time at the Elks, dinner was good, I had steak and ordered it medium rare, when it came it did have a run of pink in the centre but the little wooden tag they had in it said “medium”.  I think a “rare” steak down here is not ordered that often & nobody is familiar as to what “rare” means.  Next time I order steak I will try ordering “rare” & see what happens.  Anyway it was a fun evening.  We danced several numbers & Sheila requested an Ann Murray number, (Could I have this dance), which the band leader, (Ronda) knew before Sheila got the title out.  We have been to dances with Ronda’s group before they are good to dance to.  They used to be called “Rockin’ Rhonda,” now they call themselves, “Showdown”.

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