Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day 23 Feb 5 Tuesday – Rain again

Up early for the Breakfast Club. Away at 8 AM for Little Angie’s in East Hemet in a light rain. We got there in good time, I only had 1 red light all the way down Florida Ave, that’s about 6 or more greens.  After breakfast we stopped at the main post office to mail Mikaela’s card but found out that to mail it with the metal closing clip on the back of the envelope would increase postage by a cpl dollars, better to take the clip off and scotch tape it closed.  So we came home, did that and Sheila went out again to find a mail box.  It stopped raining and Water Volleyball is going so Sheila went up to join in. I stayed at the RV and it started raining again, lightly, but rain none the less. Sheila said it was a cold rain.  It felt like it was raining tiny ice pellets, but because it was only about 10 min. till quitting time, they decided to persevere and keeping playing.  I’m sure this is a record for rainy days here.  Talking to the permanent residents & the 6 & 6ers they agree. I went up to play Bridge in Judy’s learners group from 1 to after 3 then back to RV to find Sheila fast asleep. Tonight is a quiet night; we just had supper & watched TV and kept the propane heater going to stay warm & cozy.

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