Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Day 43 Feb 25 Monday

Up to a nice clear sunny day.  I went up to WVB and Sheila went to Larry & Judy’s to watch the Oscars which Larry had recorded for her.  After the WVB I came back to the RV & Sheila was there already; she had watched ½ the Oscar program and was going back in the afternoon to watch the rest. I relaxed & putted around in the RV doing assorted chores.  It turns out Sheila didn’t watch the rest of the Oscars; she went to play in the 1 PM WVB game.  Then we went down to Paul & Yvonne’s trailer for supper, and after happy hour outside on the patio we had a very nice supper followed by some Bridge.  A very pleasant evening.  Home to watch “Bull” on TV & then bed time.

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