Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 18 Jan 31 Thursday – Sunny in am, rain in pm.

The propane truck will be here sometime today so I will wait till it gets here.  It arrived about 11:00 & put in 10.6 USG, so no WVB for me today, Sheila went up to play in the afternoon, but the sun had gone in by then, the wind had come up and it was quite cool, so other than two guys, no one showed up.   A mystery–-the gauge on the Propane tank itself was sitting just a very little above empty but the tank holds 14.3 USG, (when I once had to fill a completely empty tank), so why was the gauge on the tank looking like it was almost totally empty?  Unless we are dry camping without any plug in power we can run the heat & light off the batteries; the gas-only appliances are the hot water tank and the fridge which requires 110 volt power to run off electricity.  At around 1 PM we now have a bit of a breeze and some light cloud, coming from the LA storms, I presume.   Around 2 PM we got a bit of light rain which rapidly turned to heavy, steady rain.  It stopped about 4:30 PM. Larry & Judy came at 4:40 to pick us up for the Elks event—“Swingalong”, a music night with 40’s era music, also there would be pizza & salad available.  It was an enjoyable evening with Larry & Judy there with us.  The music was recorded with a live, very good singer—a black older female.  It wasn’t what I was hoping for but fun none the less.  It was supposed to run from 5 till 8 & we stayed till 8 and the singer was still going.  Back at the RV we looked up TV shows on the internet and watched some.  The RV Park provides a list of stations on their cable system and there are 63 stations, however there is no program guide channel and other than buying a $7:00 TV guide each week you don’t know what is on unless you go online and then you can get a listing of each station & it’s programs for today and the next 3 or 4 days. 

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