Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day 24 Feb 6 Wednesday

Finally clear blue sky in the morning however, it was still quite cool, only 42 F at 08:45. By 9 AM the sun warmed the RV enough that we turned off any heaters we had going.  I went up to WVB after missing 2 days in a row.  Sheila came later after starting a wash in the laundermat here. Hot tub after, then shower, back to RV to change,  have lunch & then out to try to make the Hand & Foot game at 1 PM.  Best we could do was 10 minutes late and they had full tables & everyone was playing, so I think we will skip that game time. However I did see a note that they also play Hand & Foot on Tuesday evening, so we will check that out. We finished the laundry Sheila had started in the morning and came home for R & R before supper & tonight’s concert.  The park has changed the way they do events a little & I think it is great.  When you get a ticket for an event it has a table number & a seat number on it so you are not scrambling looking for an available seat, and even if it is a non-ticket event, you sign you name beside a table number, (they have lists posted up in the Activities room so you can pick out available tables), so you know where you are, as some of the events are a bring-your-food-etc with you, there is a place for people to write in what they are bringing beside their name.  Sounds like a much better system and ensures that no one arrives near the end of the line to discover there are no more spaces left.  The ballroom has an occupancy capacity which they can’t exceed and there are way more people in the RV Park than spaces in the ballroom. By the way, the fan I bought to use with the propane heater works really well, last evening we never turned on the big furnace at all even though it was quite cold out.. Tonight’s show was a tribute show to Cher, Lisa Minnelli, Tom Jones & Elton John.  They sang individually and in Duets with each other. It was an enjoyable show. Cher got a guy from the audience up & did “I got you babe” with him.  Wish I had been chosen, that’s the song I would love to do with Sheila as a duet – except for the fact that I can’t sing & can’t tell if I am on or off key, so it’s just as well I didn’t get chosen. It’s a clear night so hopefully a nice day tomorrow.

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