Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day 22 Feb 4 Monday- Rain all day

We woke up to another wet day, light rain falling.  The good part is that it is mild, around the mid 50’s, that’s around 13 to 15 Celsius in the morning & warms 10 to 15 degrees by noon. We skipped WVB and after breakfast/lunch I went out for a hair cut - $5.00 at the barber/hair dressing school across the road.  I picked up a fan for the propane heater to help direct the hot air up to the front of the rig.  Tonight is early supper as it is horse race day. Raining again! I think Vancouver weather followed us down. After a nice supper it’s over to the ballroom where the races are. They show videos of 8 real horse races, but they change the names of the horses and there are odds for each horse to win, place, or show.  You’re given $130,000.00 in play money.  There are 8 races and you can bet on up to 3 horses in each race.  They run the races with real race commentary.  I bet on 2 horses in each race and by the end of the 8th race I had won $1,170,000 of course I didn’t have that much at the end because some of it would go back into the next race. I did end up with $800,000.00 in play money from my original 130,000 so that’s not too bad.  Of the 8 races I bet 2 horses each race and on only 2 of the races I didn’t win anything. On the last race you bet all you have, I bet $320,000 over 3 horses & 1 of them won at 8-1, I got $800,000. Sheila ended up with $436, 000.  Her horses won just as often as mine, but she didn’t win as much because she wasn’t as aggressive in her betting.  The most won was about $40 million!  Imagine—just on an initial investment of 130,000!  It’s a fun night. It ended about 9 PM so back we went to the RV for the night.

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