Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Day 42 Feb 24 Sunday

It’s nice & sunny this morning although still cool, 42 F @ 8:55, (that’s about 5½ C) but it warms fast and was up to 64 F (18 C) by 12:30 PM. With no wind, low humidity, and a clear sky, it is quite nice & warm.  We had a good WVB game although my game is not up to previous years & two hours in the pool is quite tiring.  Sheila stayed in the pool talking with Yvonne who came up & played WVB for a part of the game.  After hot tub time its home for lunch, then Sheila is out shopping & I am resting before supper & the regular Sunday evening Bridge tonight at the clubhouse. After supper, it was over to Bridge.  We had a nice time, but didn’t win any of the 1st to 3rd prizes.  The weather forecast for next week has the highs in the 63 to 65 F range, that’s 16 to 19 C so it should be quite nice.    

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