Thursday, February 28, 2019

Day 44 Feb 26 Tuesday

Up at 8 AM to get dressed & head out to this weeks Breakfast Club place – Seven Hills Golf Course.  After a nice breakfast we came back to play WVB, I actually made it in by about 10:30.  Yvonne joined the pool about 11:30 & played till the end at noon.  Home for a quick bite for lunch then I went off to play Bridge in Judy’s beginners etc class.  It runs 1 PM to 3:30.  Sheila went up for the 1PM WVB game but not enough people showed up so she went to watch some of the Oscars that Larry had recorded for her.  We made supper in the rig then I am off to Hand & Foot in the clubhouse and Sheila is planning to watch the last of the Oscars. After the 2 games, (won one lost one), I went over to Larry & Judy’s and Sheila had just finished watching Oscars and at the same time Larry & Judy came home. I went in & we chatted for a short time before returning home.

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