Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Day 37 Feb 19 Tuesday

This morning the sun was out which warms the RV quite quickly shining on the sides & through the front window.  It was in the high 30’s, (maybe 6 or so C), as of 8:00 AM.  We went up to the ballroom for the special breakfast honouring the first responders; they had reps from police, fire, & ambulance there.  The Hemet Police Chief was talking to people at our table.  When I mentioned seeing their new SWAT vehicle a couple years ago he said there was some opposition to them getting it.  He said that on the first day they had it they had to deploy it & it was fired on proving it was something that was really needed!  He was also asked about the election of sheriffs etc and whether he was elected.  He said he came up through the ranks by promotion. It was a very interesting conversation. After breakfast, I went down to Wal-Mart for some more holding tank chemical.  As it was still cool to cold we skipped WVB this morning. The sun is keeping the RV warm but the outside air is cool.  After lunch in the RV, about 1:10 PM, Sheila went up to see if the 1 PM game was on. A few people, (6) were playing so she joined them and had lots of fun.  I went up to Judy Shaffer’s afternoon Bridge game/lesson to see it she needed a fourth anywhere.  She did, so I played till 3:30. I came back to the RV, met Sheila and we went to the Elks for Taco Tuesday.  The Tacos were good but, in my opinion, not so much the Karaoke.  There were many more singing tonight than we’ve seen other nights. Sheila thought some of them were very good, most were mediocre and only two were not good at all.  At least tonight, there was a good variety of songs and not just C&W as it was one night.  We left about 7:30, (it only goes to 8 PM), and headed home.  We drove over to Paul & Yvonne’s to see if they were home, they were & the invited us in and suggested cards so, we played Bridge till almost 10:00, then enjoyed coffee and cookies.  I was Yvonne’s partner & I got terrible hands, we couldn’t do anything right, we would get a contract & go down, nothing matched and everything went wrong all the time.  Oh well, we had fun. We came back to the RV about 10:30 to turn in. 

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