Thursday, February 14, 2019

Day 31 Feb 13 Wednesday

Overcast this morning but no rain as yet & at 9 AM it is just under 50 F, (10 C), so off to WVB.  The pool was even warmer than usual and we had a good game, 2 pools going 8 or 9 each side.  Home for lunch and then off to Winco for a few groceries and a dessert for the Spud Night event this afternoon.  You bring a dish to share with the table and GVP provides hot potatoes, (very large ones too), as well as a butter or margarine spread and sour cream.  There are usually extra potatoes for seconds but one of those large potatoes fills me, (along with the goodies that people at the table bring). We’re bringing a 7 UP cake with whipped cream.  We tried one last year--they are really good and taste like 7UP too.  About 1 PM it started to rain quite heavily and went on for an hour or so before stopping. We got the Spud Night supplies together, (plates, cutlery, drinks, the dessert cake we are taking) & headed off the ballroom for the 4:30 start.  It was full to capacity.  The other people at the table had assorted foods and then it was time to get the potatoes, I got 2 for me & 1 for Sheila; mine was a biggish one & a smaller one.  The other two couples at our table had both brought a chicken & rice casserole.  (Since we didn’t know who was going to be at our table ahead of time, we weren’t able to “plan” our dinner to avoid duplications), however, both the casserole’s were very good and one had  brown rice soaked in gravy which was very tasty.  After an enjoyable meal, they started the Karaoke. There is a lot of talent here, they were all quite good, some were very good.  We finally left about 7:30 PM.  Home to the RV and it’s raining again! Oh well, time to relax & watch TV. Tomorrow is propane delivery day; the cooler weather is playing havoc with our propane use, we’re almost out again and it’s only been two weeks!

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