Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day 29 Feb 11 Monday

We got up to clear blue skies, no rain & no wind.  It’s still cool in the morning – usually close to 40 F, (10 C), around 9 to 9:30 AM.  It warms up fast, usually to over 50 by 10 or so. I went up to play WVB, did my hot tub & back by about 1PM, Sheila had an 11 AM nail appointment to get maple leafs on her finger nails; the nail shop did a good job. I started getting stuff ready for out pot luck dish, (Judy Shaffer’s bean/meat/etc casserole), it makes a lot so we should have lots of leftovers, (great, I really like it).  Sheila came back after the nail appt & shopping and we had a quick bite & then got busy.  We had everything ready to go by about 4:10 so we loaded the car and off to the clubhouse we went.  Doors opened at 4:00, we got there by 4:25 or so & the place was packed already. We found our numbered table, second row back from the stage, so good seats. By about 5 we had all 8 people & started our potluck supper.  It was yummy—our bean casserole, roast pork with gravy ‘n stuffing, tender, juicy roast beef ‘n gravy with mashed potatoes, a large, green salad, & cheesecake & homemade butter tarts for dessert.  The ballroom, a sea of red & white was at full capacity—302 attended.  Each table group did their own centerpiece.  Some of them were amazing.  A large cardboard “silver” Stanley Cup containing flags of the various hockey teams was voted the best. 
After supper, the entertainment started.  There were several skits, all by Canadians staying at Golden Village and all the acts were funny.  Our favourite was a group of 13 who portrayed RCMP officers, one from each province & territory doing the RCMP musical ride on hobby horses which a woman had made for them.  The riders really captured the spirit of the horse they were on and the province/territory they represented.  It was hilarious!  Plus we had some good singers, especially Debbie, who sings professionally on the side at home and has written a song called “I’m proud to be a Canadian which she performed. They even had real Tim Horton’s coffee! Someone must have had a connection with them because he brought down a lot of Tim cups & the coffee.  They drew lots of door prize tickets throughout the night and I actually won the last one drawn--a weeks camping credit at GVP including electricity!  It all wound up about 7:30 and we came back home. Now it is clean up time & R & R in the RV.

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