Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Day 35 Feb 17 Sunday

The day started nice with some blue sky & sun but deteriorated during the WVB game that had Sheila & I in the same pool, opposite sides but the same pool.  (Finally!)  When I had the serve I actually served 3 in a row right to her. My service is good and I can direct it but the rest of it…!  (I have trouble getting the ball over the net; I either hit it at an angle to nowhere in particular or into the net sometimes.)  It always takes a while when we first arrive to get back into form for WVB so I’m sure I’ll improve in a week or so. Of course with the not wonderful weather we aren’t playing continuously every day.  Tonight was originally scheduled for a night WVB game but during the morning game it was decided to cancel till better weather as there was rain forecast plus it is cold at night.  Around 2 PM or so the rain started & went off & on for most of the afternoon.  We went over to play Pegs & Jokers and paired with Brian & Gillian who are from Vancouver Island & have a park model here.  He is our resident computer tech guy. Sheila & Gillian partnered as did Brian & I, the girls won 2 games & we won 1 and they were all close games.  After the games we headed home. Before long we started to hear the rain on the roof.  It was quite loud so it was a heavy rain.  Brian & Gillian, who live in Victoria, said they have never seen weather down here like we are having now, continuous rain & cold interspersed with a day or two of warm sun like last Sat. when we had the Pool party--it was a great day!

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