Saturday, February 16, 2019

Day 33 Feb 15 Friday

I got up at 0800 because the propane truck is coming today.  It actually arrived around 10:30.  Fill up was 11.8 USG. This should mean there was just about 3 gallons still in the tank when it was reading empty.  I’m off to WVB for the last hour or so, and had a good game.  Sheila played too, but was in the other pool.  The chip system, (take a poker chip from a chip holder & the colour, blue or white, designates which pool you go to when we have split & are playing in 2 pools), it is working very well to separate us, we have been in the same pool only 2 or 3 times since we got here.  I hot tubbed & showered, then chatted with Yvonne at the pool for a bit then home for lunch.  After lunch I went down to Paul & Yvonne’s trailer to visit & tell them about the Wine & Cheese Welcome Reception and the Mocktails event that runs 6 to 8 PM every Fri evening.  Yvonne came to the wine & cheese & plans to be at the Mocktails event. They held in the ballroom tonight due to expected rain. Paul & Yvonne joined us as did another cpl we met at the Wine & Cheese session this afternoon.  We had fun talking with our tablemates, and listening and dancing to the 50 – 80’s music provided by a man with a guitar and good soundtrack.  The nachos & beverages were good as usual.   Paul & Yvonne were feeling tired & went home early, (before 7:00 pm) so we didn’t do cards tonight, just came back to the RV for the rest of the evening. It had started to sprinkle, so who knows what tomorrow will bring weather wise.

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