Saturday, March 2, 2019

Day 45 Feb 27 Wednesday

It was a bit cloudy & overcast when I first got up but cleared fast so I went up for WVB.  Sheila came later, like she usually does, but ended up in the other pool as usual!  The day developed into a nice sunny day. After lunch I stayed around the RV & puttered around, sitting in the sun and other worthwhile projects!  Sheila went out to get the CDN flag on her finger nail fixed, but they were too busy, so she made an appointment for tomorrow at a different shop, then, just picked up some 99 Cent Store stuff & came home.  We had supper, part of which was a Winco BBQ’d chicken that weighed 1 lb 13 oz & cost $4.98, what a bargain! Then we got ready to go out to Hemet West Mobile Home Park for their ‘Jump, Jive & Rock’ dance with a band called, “The E-klectics”.  A couple we met at the GVP Spud Night event, Frank & Janet, picked us up as they wanted to go but didn’t know where it was.  So rather than take 2 cars they offered to pick us up & we gave them directions.  The dance was a lot of fun. They played lots of great 50’s etc music--we danced a lot.  Frank & Janet really enjoyed it too and thanked us for telling them about it.  We returned home to the RV for a bit of TV & bedtime.  We were both really tired after our strenuous day of fun! 

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