Saturday, March 2, 2019

Day 46 Feb 28 Thursday

The forecast for today was cloudy with showers. When we got up, there was a bit of overcast which cleared by mid morning into a nice sunny, warm day.  We had a good WVB game and then back for lunch in the rig.  Sheila went out for her nails redo appointment she couldn’t do yesterday.  Then she is going back to the 99 cent store to see if she can find the cartons of milk she found yesterday. They are just 1 quart (US) cartons but have been processed to last for months if unopened, (opened you must refrigerate them).  They would be ideal for the RV, we could carry several cartons & not have to jam them in the fridge, open one & then put it in the fridge.  I was tired so I napped in the afternoon for a couple hours.  Sheila arrived back with a bunch of groceries including the long lasting milk. The carton says that it’ll keep “several months without refrigeration”; they certainly sound ideal for RVing.  Tonight, for the start of Sheila’s birthday celebrations, we are off to “Sweet Baby Jane’s” a restaurant that specializes in ribs.    I & Yvonne had Ribs, Paul got a steak and they cooked it right – rare, it was just to his liking.  Sheila had BBQ Pulled Pork and Beef brisket with fresh baked cornbread & sweet cinnamon butter—Paul & Yvonne’s treat, and then the waitress brought out a birthday cake for Sheila that Paul & Yvonne had bought & smuggled into the restaurant, so it was a nice surprise for Sheila. Other than Sheila leaving her glasses there it was a very nice evening. 

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