Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day 47 March 1 Friday

Another nice sunny day so off to WVB this morning.  After lunch in the RV and after the morning WVB, Sheila went up to play in the 1 PM game & I went to Sweet Baby Jane’s to retrieve her glasses.  Success!  Back home to get ready for tonight.  The couple that we met on the last Taco night, (Bob & Fran Parker), had invited us to their house for a get together before going to the Elks Friday dinner dance.  They had reserved a table for us and a few of their friends.  We got there about 4:30.  It was a very nice house, not a manufactured home, (i.e. mobile home), on the edge of the Seven Hill golf course.  Sheila was delighted to get a tour of one of the Spanish style homes she admires so much as we drive past large areas of them on our comings & goings about Hemet.  At the get-together we met their friends.  We were the only Canadians, but there was one couple from Seattle & another from Oregon, the others, like our hosts, lived in the Seven Hills area of Hemet permanently.  Several of them had been or were RV’ers and had/or owned boats so, lots in common to talk about.  After about an hour & a half of chatting & nibblies we headed off to the Elks for the dinner dance with “Ambrose”.  He is a singer who uses recorded music from his computer piped through speakers. He must have a very good system because it sounded just as if a group of live musicians were playing, to me at least, and he has a very good voice—terrific range.  I had my usual 16 oz steak cooked rare with baked potato and some very nice green beans, & it comes with one trip through the salad bar.  All for $16.00, you can’t beat that!  I have it whenever we go to the dinner dance.  Sheila decided to try the unlimited Soup & Salad Bar for $10.00.  After one very large bowl of thick, delicious Chicken Pot Pie soup and two medium-sized plates of salad, she was full.  We had a nice evening, talking & dancing. We left when it ended at 9:30 pm, so got home about 9:45.                                                                                                          Being that today is March 1, I looked ahead at what we have going this month.  Beside the almost daily game events going on in the evenings, first, we have Sheila’s Birthday Dinner at Red Lobster down in Temecula on March 3, then we have on March 6 at GVP the concert, Stone Soul, Classic Soul & Motown, then on the 9th at the Historic Hemet theatre a tribute to John Denver, then the next day, the 10th, our Water Volleyball season end dinner, (some people have been here since November and head home in late March although the WVB games keep going).  Then the very next day is GVP’s St Patty’s Day event & corn beef dinner. Plus there is another Spud Night coming up the second week of March.  All that is in addition to what we do every day here plus movies, eating out etc. 

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