Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Day 56 March 10 Sunday

A lot of cloud and very little sun.  I went up for WVB, Sheila also came about an hour later. After hot tub time & changing, back at the RV we had a light lunch then went up to help decorate the hall for out Water Volley Ball Season End Dinner.  It all started about 3:30.  They had games set up, (tossing a volley ball into a basket by bouncing it off the floor, and a bean bag toss, for which you got tickets that would be drawn for prizes).  Dinner was fully catered and very good, they had lots & encouraged seconds but we were full so Sheila got a plate to bring home for tomorrow’s lunch.  There was also a very nice cake for dessert, (I was in the right place at the right time & I got a large corner piece with lots of delicious icing).  Then they drew the 25/25/25/25 draw, all the money from ticket sales was given away, I had one of the tickets & won $75.00.  They had lots of door prizes but I didn’t win any, plus they had small awards given to people. They read out Yvonne’s card to everyone & said how impressed they were by her determination to play and how she worked to do it.  In the joke category of prizes, Sheila got a small plastic trophy cup for “Most Improved”;  they also did a prize for shortest woman in the game, and ‘who spent the most time underwater’, (Joannie & Big Jim), ‘who was most helpful,’ (Jim Best won that one), and several others like that.  It was a lot of fun!  As soon as it ended about 6:00, we went across the hall to the Sunday evening Bridge game as they needed an extra couple.  For our $2.00 entry we came out with $3.00 as we had the 3rd highest score of the 8 couples playing.  So it was a good day all round. . .  Back to the RV to relax before the next event tomorrow. 

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