Thursday, March 7, 2019

Day 50 March 4 Monday

It was 52 F at 9:00 AM, we went up for WVB. We planned to see the movie “Green Book” and the only time that worked was the 7:45 show. After supper in the RV we picked up Paul & Yvonne & went out to the theatre.  The movie was about 2 real people & at the end they did a bit about their lives after the events of the movie.  I like that when there are real people involved, they show what happens to them after the movie events and they often have photos of the real people.  We all enjoyed the movie.  Afterwards, we all came back to our RV for dessert.  (At Sheila’s request, I had made up a fruit salad before going out to the movie.)  Other than the lousy weather we are having, it’s loads of fun down here. 

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