Sunday, March 24, 2019

Day 68 March 22 Friday

Up, up, & away to WVB.  It’s a nice day, a little cloud. After the game I came back to the RV for lunch.  Then out for supplies at Winco for me & some laundry work for Sheila.  Tonight is Mocktails night so its time for nachos.  With hot cheese and with all the trimmings they have I can make supper out of it, - I did.  Sheila followed in about a ½ hour or so and we spent a nice evening.  The 2 couples we were sitting with were from Calgary & LangleyMurray from Langley is in a wheelchair from some accident about 4 years ago.  They travel in a 38 foot Class A that Murray did a lot of customising on.  They tow a car set up for him as well.  There was another man there in a motorized wheelchair and he had a service animal with him that was a giant dog.  I don’t know what breed, but it was way bigger that a lab and with smooth hair so not a Newfoundlander, & not a Great Dane, I didn’t know service dogs came in such large breeds.  After the event ended at about 8 we came back to the RV, watched “Blacklist” and had some California strawberries.  They were the same California strawberries we get at home but these ones were red all the way through and very tasty, not like the mostly white bland things we get at home. 

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