Saturday, March 16, 2019

Day 59 March 13 Wednesday

Lovely and sunny and warm.  Off to WVB but I had an off day, I couldn’t hit anything right.  Hot tub after the game then home for lunch – the leftover full meal from Mondays St Pats Dinner, (we already ate the éclairs).   Sheila went out to get some supplies at Winco & I just relaxed and did some small chores.  Then about 4:15 we headed out to spud night in the ballroom.  We had a table with some of the WVB’ers and had a nice time.  They did Karaoke after dinner starting about 6:30 or so.  Sheila went to the computer room to look up some stuff because she found the music too loud where we were sitting, I didn’t and I didn’t want to move back leaving the people at the table and go sit by ourselves.  About 7:30 or so I went to check on Sheila & she was still busy looking up stuff on the computer.  So I set up a pick up time & came back home.  I saw that a show called “Chicago Fire” was on so I thought I’d watch it.  Mistake, I changed channels ½ ways through it. Yes it was about a fire station but it seemed to be full of on-going soap opera type stories on the characters and confrontation stuff between the fire truck crew.  The fact that they periodically went out to fight fires seemed incidental to the interaction & involvement of the characters with each other.

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