Friday, March 8, 2019

Day 51 March 5 Tuesday

A nice day dawned for a change, sunny & warm—i.e. high 60’s.  So we are off to the pool for a nice game of WVB.  Sheila only played a half hour in the morning, but she played again in the afternoon while she waited for our two loads of wash to dry.  There were only 4 and 5 a side, but she said it was one of the “funnest” games she’s played so far because the other players were all very good—there were lots of good rallies and she got she got to “play the ball” a lot, plus there was the usual joking and teasing amongst the players who know each other very well.  Paul & Yvonne are leaving on Thursday, (day after tomorrow). They wanted to have a nice goodbye event but with the iffy weather we have been having down here an outdoor happy hour/meal at their trailer seemed chancy.  Then Larry & Judy offered their Park Model home as an alternative so Paul planned a nice supper event and did all the cooking and prep.  We had a very nice meal together.   After supper Larry & Judy taught us the game of “Fast Track” which everyone enjoyed.  It’s a bit like “Jokers and Pegs,” but easier.  It was a fun evening of eating, playing & talking together.  It did actually sprinkle a bit in the evening so outside would not have been a good option. With the cooler weather we are using our propane heater a lot and burning through our propane supply.  We seem to go through a tank in about 3 weeks more of less, fill ups have been 10.5 to 11 USG.  The tank, bone dry, will take over 14 USG, (with the safety valve system they have on tanks now you can’t fill them to capacity which on our tank is 16 USG), but we don’t want to run out even though we have alternatives for heat, cooking etc. It is also hard to tell how much is actually left in the tank, both our fill ups have been when the gauge needle is showing on empty.  It’s not a big nuisance to fill as the truck comes to us & they just run a hose to the tank.   It only takes about 5 minutes, but I have to wait at the RV for them to come whenever they get to you, so far it has been in the mid to late morning.  Back at the RV, we watched the 11 PM news.   A major rain & lightning storm is hitting LA and should pass a bit north of us but we may get some rain from it.  The weather here is such that it is a major news item & often the lead item on the 11 PM news hour

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