Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 70 March 24 Sunday

Nice & sunny, no overcast & no wind.  I went up for WVB and had a good game.  After the hot tub I just sat in a lounge chair in the sun, it was lovely & warm.  On route home I stopped at the weight/exercise room where they have a scale, I am 208 lbs or 94.5 kg., I think I have gained weight since getting here.  Back at the RV, we had lunch then I was feeling tired so I lay down and Sheila went out to get some groceries.  She had set up the supper menu which I was to assemble for when she got back.  Her timing was perfect; she arrived just as everything was being put out on the table.  After a nice supper we went up to the clubhouse for the Sunday evening Bridge game.  We came in 4th out of 8 couples and Sheila got to play some very interesting hands, one of which was 5 Clubs doubled!  She was very pleased that her aggressive bid was correct and she made it despite the opposition biding up to 4 Spades.   We returned to the RV just before 10 pm for what we thought were going to be BBT episodes but discovered the schedule was listing a different channel at that number so it was playing some other show we weren’t interested in.  Sigh!  It will be nice to get home to reliable TV listings! The trouble is that GVP prints a list of channels available on the cable but the internet schedule for Hemet also includes 2 or 3 other local cities and the channel numbers on some stations do not match the channel of the same number on our TV set, if that makes sense!

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