Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 71 March 25 Monday

Up to another glorious sunny day.  I’m off to WVB while Sheila sleeps in.  I had a reasonable game, didn’t miss too many passes & balls coming over the net.  After hot tubbing I came home for a nice lunch which Sheila had prepared.  She is going out this afternoon for something, not sure what.  Then we have dinner out planned for tonight at Angie’s restaurant.  Sheila wants to try the ribs there so she ordered a full rack even though she was sure she wouldn’t finish it but a full rack is only $3.00 more than a half rack.  I had a cpl ribs with my supper and we brought the rest home for tomorrow’s supper, almost a full ½ rack. I figured out how to play a disc in the DVD so we watched an old, (1942), movie called “The Spoilers” with John Wayne & Randolph Scott, two of my favourite western movie actors & also Marlene Dietrich then a cpl episodes of “Barney Miller” that we had on a DVD.

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