Friday, March 8, 2019

Day 53 March 7 Thursday

Paul & Yvonne are pulling our about 10 this morning and Sheila went to see them off.  I am stuck at the RV waiting for the propane truck to arrive.  Sheila arrived back at the RV about 10:40 so I left her to deal with the propane truck & went up to WVB.  It was off    & on sunny but it was a fun game.  After Hot tub I came back for lunch. No propane truck yet and Sheila was going to the movie “The Favourite” with Judy Shaffer this afternoon for the 2:40 show. Larry wasn’t interested in going.  And as I didn’t want to see it anyway, plus I had to wait for the propane truck, that all worked out fine.  After some cloud this morning the sun came out about 11:30 and it is a nice warm day.  The propane truck arrived around 3 PM & I took 11.3 USG so that’s finished and I am just waiting for Sheila to return from the movie so all 4 of us can go out to supper.  Sheila was back about 4:20 and the four of us headed out to Lil’ Angies Restaurant, (just up the street on Florida) by 4:45 pm.  Even though it’s under new management, the menu, prices, 50’s décor and food seem to be the same as last year.  I had the ½ rack of pork ribs, $13.49, —yummy as usual, and Sheila tried the Chicken Pot Pie on the Senior’s menu, $9.49.  Everyone was envious of her because it looked so good, and it tasted as good as it looked, she said.  It wasn’t the usual round pie with regular pie pastry.  It was a huge, (plate-size), ‘boat’ of fluffy, croissant pastry filled with a rich, creamy sauce containing lots of chunks of chicken, peas & carrots, she had to bring some home.  After supper, we returned to Larry & Judy’s to play 3 rounds, (12 hands of Bridge), before returning to our RV for the usual hour of TV before bedtime.  Sheila stayed up even later; (2:30 am) tonight watching sit-com re-runs as she should not play WVB tomorrow in case she gets her hair wet and weakens her perm.  So, the morning will be a ‘sleep-in’ time for her.

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