Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 74 March 28 Thursday

Nice & sunny weather so I went off to WVB.  Sheila stayed to do some things she was working on & to look into the Movies on at our local theatre.  She talked with Larry & found one movie, “Five Feet Apart” that looked reasonable. So we went for the 2:30 show and it was OK.  After we got home, (Larry was driving us all), Sheila said that she would like to go to the “Ono Hawaiian BBQ”, so we went and it was quite good & we got a lot of food for a reasonable price, and we brought ½ of it home.  Then it was time to go up to the Clubhouse for the Mexican Trains games tonight.  We had fun but lost our quarters.  Finally home for the evening around 9:30, watched a bit of TV & bedtime.   

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