Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 72 March 26 Tuesday

I was up having my coffee when a call came in for Sheila. It was Medipac asking about her medical well being.  She wanted to go back to the Dr. she had seen previously with some questions & they, (Medipac) agreed.  So she phoned the health clinic & got a time to go, (early afternoon). I went off to WVB and when I got there Judy Schaffer said, “We missed you at breakfast”, we had completely forgotten about the Tuesday Breakfast Club.  When I came back to the RV after WVB, Sheila was getting ready to go to her appointment and we were talking about it when the phone rang.  It was Judy wondering if I was coming up for Tuesday afternoon Bridge, I had completely forgotten about that too! Sheila dropped me off on her route out to the clinic.  Frank & Doreen were there, they are a cpl who live in Port Coquitlam that we have played bridge with several times at the Sunday night & the Tuesday afternoon sessions.  We got their phone number for possible future bridge get togethers at home.  Back at the RV, but Sheila not home yet which is good, they may be treating her at the clinic.  She has the phone so she can’t contact me so I just assume all is well. Sheila arrived home late afternoon & talked about the clinic visit.  Nothing urgent but Dr. wants her on the antibiotic for another week but did give her permission to go into the pool for WVB.  About this point, (around 4:45), we remembered that we were supposed to be going to the Elks for Taco Tuesday & Karaoke Night so we got away as fast as we could & got there before they stopped selling Tacos at 6 PM.  Several of the Elks ladies bake cakes, ice them & sell them for $1.00 a piece for a good sized piece—a real bargain!  I ended up having 2 pieces, and they were good.  And there are usually 4 or more types of cake so you can pick your favourite type.  The singing was not good, Sheila thought some weren’t too bad, I thought most of them were quite bad.  Home afterwards to watch TV--“The Rookie” is on tonight. 

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