Monday, March 25, 2019

Day 69 March 23 Saturday

Heavy overcast this morning but no wind so I’m off to WVB.  At the end of the game (noon), I went into the hot tub & the clouds cleared.  They had a musician playing at the seating area where a local Mex restaurant was selling tacos etc. The music was nice to listen to while playing but I didn’t stay after showering.  Back at the RV I made lunch and Sheila went off to the computers at the clubhouse because at our computer cubby there is hardly any table space if you want to write anything down and it’s on the right side—not great for a left-hander!  Sheila wanted to look up a bunch of information on the internet so needed table space.  I will just veg out in a chair in the sun. Well, there was a breeze came up & it was just a fraction cool so I returned inside.  Now, let me say this first, I am glad we are down here & are not at home.  The weather in Calif has been terrible compared to their normal, but it is still miles better that what we had at home.  But if it continues to be overcast, sprinkley, coolish, it will wear out its welcome & it might be better to be home in south western BC.   To make ourselves feel better we went out to the Sizzler for supper, (an excuse is an excuse).  I wanted to try their super salad bar as a meal.  For seniors it’s $13.49 for unlimited trips and it is huge.  They had 5 soups, (I had clam chowder, really good), plus they had deep fried chicken wings, chicken fajitas, mac & cheese, a dessert bar, & a soft serve ice cream bar with toppings.  All that plus a huge oval salad bar with all the trimmings you could want including some real blue cheese with the dressings.  And the senior’s price includes your drink, (coffee, tea, soft drink etc).  For the hot foods they had warmed plates & for the cold salads they had nice cold plates.  After that, (feeling very full), we came home to relax, maybe watch TV.  

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